Credit Card Processing
Are you satisfied with your Credit Card system?
Experience our advanced CCS Credit Card processing module with a new state-of-the-art PAX A920 Pro Terminal. Paired with our improved, streamlined checkout form, you'll enjoy significant time savings and a truly remarkable checkout experience.
Here’s a dozen great reasons why you should use CCS to process your credit card transactions.
Accept all payment methods - Chip, Swipe, Tap, Google Pay, Apple Pay
Convenient receipts - Send via Text or Email
Automatic posting client ledger - No missed payments.
Payment Tracking - Eliminate Human Errors
Hassle-free Refunds - No Need for the Client's Card
Secure Data Storage - Easily Access Transaction History
Automatic daily settlement - simplifies bank reconciliation
Can be processed from any PC running CCS - no longer have to wait to use a terminal
Credit Card info is securely encrypted
Effortless Future payment consents - easily created by checking a box on the check-out form.
Apply for an account on-line using Sphere’s simple application form.
CCS flat rate pricing ends confusing credit card statements. (see table below)
Quickly calculate your cost using the handy pricing table below:​

PAX A920 Pro Terminal
Connects via WIFI to the internet.

The PAXA920 is powered by a rechargeable battery and can be moved around like a cellphone as long as it is in range of the WIFI.
A connection to the computer using it is not required.
The Computer and the Terminal communicate with each other through the Credit Card server.
Credit card numbers are never entered to or stored on the local computer.
Data is entered to the credit card system from CCS or via a keyboard displays on the terminal screen.
The Camera for the Tap to Pay, Google Pay and Apple Pay is in the front of the terminal above the display.
The slot for the chip reader is in the back of the terminal below the screen display
Whether it's inside your facility or outside in the parking lot, the PAX A920 PRO ensures seamless transactions and utmost convenience for both you and your clients.
SREDKey2 Terminal
Connects to a specific computer via a USB cable.

Does not require a separate power cable or charger.
The card swipe is at the top of the terminal with mag stripe down, facing the operator.
For Manual Entries, Data is entered into the Keypad on the terminal
The Encrypted data is displayed in a masked format on a pop-up window on the check-out form as it is sent.
Provides an excellent back up terminal if you forget to charge your Pax A920 Pro terminal.